El Valor believes that individuals with disabilities are vital members of the community. El Valor is committed to assisting and supporting people with disabilities through programs that emphasize personal choice, employment, inclusion, enrichment, and leadership.
For more information about intake and referral, services, and programs, please contact us at info@elvalor.net
In the US, Latinos with disabilities are not participating in vocational rehabilitation programs at levels proportionate to their representation in the population overall. Scholars have attributed this to a number of factors including differing attitudes and beliefs about concepts such as “disability,” “independence” and “success.” Researchers also have explained disabled Latinos’ lower levels of successful vocational outcomes by pointing to a rehabilitation system that does not fit the realities of many people from marginalized racial and ethnic backgrounds. TRUE INCLUSION needs to be increased.
As more baby-boomers age, the greater need there will be to increase home-based care services.
Latino Outreach: Upcoming Free Family Programs
Join us in 2023!
Employment Services
Training, certification, and education for career exploration.
Community Day Services
Training and programming for adults with physical and developmental disabilities.
Residential Services
Our six residential homes provide clients with the opportunity to live independently, maximize personal choice, and participate fully in life.
Case Management Services
El Valor offers a variety of case management services to assist families in supporting their loved ones in their own home.
Research Based Practices
The Effects of Technology on Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Family Support Group
Support group for family members whose individuals participate in our employment program