Parental and Community Engagement

Strengthening the Family

El Valor and Head Start believe in the two-generation approach support the whole family to have a bright future of lifelong learning. With this in mind, El Valor offers parents a variety of enrichment opportunities including certification classes, first aid, parenting seminars, and family support groups. Parents will develop leadership, decision making and family advocacy skills.


El Valor has worked dilligently to educate Latino parents through its program offering and public service announcements. The campaign, Padres Como Primeros Maestros / Parents as First Teachers, was very successful.

  • $100 million in in-kind air time including during Oprah & Christina
  • Of the parents that saw the campaign, 30% actually read, sang and spoke to their babies

Source: Advertising Council

Parents are Teachers

Parents are Teachers

El Valor’s latest initiative, Parents are Teachers/Mis Padres, Mis Maestros, empowers parents to become a part of their child’s education beginning at birth.

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