Mr. Dan Arce of Tropical Optical
Guadalupe Reyes Founder's Award

Grand Opening of our SMART Classroom at the Cicero Children & Family Center
El Valor is proud to honor Mr. Daniel Arce with the Guadalupe Reyes Founder’s Award during our Don Quixote Virtual Event. Mr. Arce wears two hats, as President of Sun Optics for the past 28 years, and as General Manager of Tropical Optical Vision Centers for the past 24 years. His extensive knowledge of the vision care industry has allowed him to administer the vision program for the city of Chicago Mayor’s Office of Employment & Training and the vision program for the Chicago, Cicero and Berwyn schools. Well respected in his field, he also served as the general contractor of the State of Illinois Healthy Kids/Healthy Minds Program for Chicago Public Schools. Mr. Arce is also proud father to his daughter. Mr. Arce believes in honoring his Mexican-American heritage, which he displays in his philanthropic and business life. He is truly a Renaissance man.
Mr. Arce’s dedication to El Valor is displayed through his continued support of our fundraising events and various initiatives. Through Tropical Optical, he provides on-site vision clinics at our facilities to our adults with disabilities. Mr. Arce demonstrated his commitment to El Valor by funding the replacement of some of our older HVAC systems. We are proud to honor Mr. Dan Arce for his steadfast dedication to El Valor and its mission.
Mr. Arce relishes the opportunity to give back to his community by serving as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Boys and Girls Club; past President of the General R.E. Wood Unit of the Chicago Boys and Girls Club; past President and Member of the Chicago Azteca Lions Club; past President of the Little Village Chamber of Commerce; Member of the Board of Directors, Back of the Yards Community Council; past Vice President of the Mexican-American Chamber of Commerce; Member of the Pilsen IETC community Work Force Employment Council; and President of the Little Village Rotary Club.