Employment Services

El Valor’s Employment Program has two main program opportunities: Supported Employment and Competitive Employment. The services are designed to provide the supports based on the individual’s needs, and include training, certification, and education to increase opportunities for career exploration.

Services are delivered by an employment specialist who works with the individuals’, to learn about their goals and preferences.  Employment specialists are trained to provide people with coaching, interview training, resume development, and on-the-job support.

  • Supported Employment / Supported Employment Extended – Provides supervision, ongoing assessment, training, counseling, coaching and follow-up services to help individuals sustain competitive jobs in an integrated work site.
  • Competitive Employment – Supports individuals with disabilities in identifying and securing jobs that are available in the community. In this program, we emphasize occupational exploration and skills training to secure competitive employment. Vocational counseling is also provided to assist the individual in maintaining employment.

Additional Supports may include referrals for the following

  • Vocational Consultations
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Case Management Services
  • Benefits Analysis
  • Financial Education
  • Assistive Technology
  • Transportation Services and Supports
  • Clinical Supports
  • Vocational Work Shops
  • Advocacy

To schedule a vocational consultation, or if you would like additional information, contact Hector Izaguirre, Employment Manager at hector.izaguirre@elvalor.net or (312) 997-2030 Ext. 55231





