Make a Donation to El Valor

General Donations

General support is important so that we can allocate your contribution to where the needs are the greatest. Programs funded by general support donations include our children’s program serving over 4,000 children and their families, and adult program, serving over 1,000 individuals with disabilities in our community.

Endowment Donations

El Valor’s endowment funds are put aside and invested, the profits of which are used for the general long term support of the agency. By donating to El Valor’s endowment you will be ensuring the long term stability of the agency and for that we thank you! 

IRA gifts

A unique way to give back to El Valor is through a qualified charitable distribution from an IRA for owners age 70½.

  • Instruct your IRA custodian to make a distribution directly to our organization.
  • Although there is no tax deduction, the distribution is excluded from your income for federal tax purposes—no tax is due!
  • Up to $100,000 of your gift (annual aggregate limit) qualifies for this favorable tax treatment.
  • Your gift makes an immediate impact.
  • A qualified charitable distribution from an IRA counts toward a donor’s required minimum distribution (RMD) if one is due. Contributions to your IRA after age 70½ can impact the amount eligible for a tax-free transfer.